Data Analysis & Power Query
Power Query is a tool used to manipulate data and is commonly used for data analysis and business intelligence. Power Query is available in both Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power BI.
High-quality analysis relies on well-organized data that is free from errors and that draws data from a single source of truth. Whilst many analysts spend hours of time manipulating data, combining data, and performing
look ups, Power Query allows all of these steps to be automated with simple, repeatable steps.
Power Query is one of the most transformative tools available to any analyst working with data in Excel. Not only will it save analysts hours of time, but it will result in reduced manual errors and a better ability to source data from a single source of truth.
The course includes the following key topics:
- Importing Data from Text Files
- Importing Data from CSV
- Import Data from External Excel Workbook
- Import Data from Current Excel Workbook
- Append Excel Tables in the Same Workbook
- Merge Different Tables or Queries
- Append Tables from Different Workbooks into One Table
- Combine Excel files from a Folder
- Get a List of File Names from a Folder
- Split Columns
- Merge Columns
- Filter Data
- Sort Data
- Replace Values
- Fill Down
- Transpose Data
- Group Data
- Unpivot Data
- Using Locale to Manage Dates
- Column Operations
- Adding Date and Time Columns
- Transform Text with Extract Options
- Adding an Index Column
And much more!
- Users of Microsoft Excel who want to manage and report their data more quickly.
- Users of Microsoft Excel who want to understand the most popular Excel tool since PivotTables were released.
► Establish Links and Look for Other Data Sources
► Excel can be used to clean, transform, and prepare data sets for reporting.
► Use Power Query Calculations to transform raw data.
► Making Data Consistent With Power Query Strong Toolbox
► Simplify Data Work by Using Power Query Steps to Automate
► Using Excel variables and Power Query parameters, create clean data interfaces.
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